
Results-Based Estate Planning is a client-driven process that turns traditional prescriptive estate planning on its head. In traditional attorney-driven estate planning, clients are asked to disclose their assets to attorneys who then prescribe legal strategies primarily intended to avoid undue taxation. Clients are expected to passively accept (and pay for) the prescription. The traditional model assumes that the attorney knows best.

Results-Based Estate Planning begins with a different, unique assumption. Here, we start with the assumption that the client knows best. Our goal is to help you evaluate your own priorities and choose the planning strategies that best meet your own needs.

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Our Unique Process

We begin with the Life & Estate Planning Self-Quiz to introduce you to common estate planning concerns. With simple Yes/No questions, we guide you through a self-paced overview of common concerns. Throughout this journey of self-discovery, you are only a mouse click away from rich audio and video resources to deepen your understanding.


With a better understanding of your current estate planning concerns after completing the Self-Quiz, we move to the Estate Planning Priorities Quiz. The Quiz is actually a guided self-study course through which you will gain a more in-depth understanding of how estate planning results could impact your life, the lives of your loved ones and your hard-earned assets. As you proceed at your own pace through each of the 22 estate planning results, we ask you to rate each in terms of their importance to you – whether essential, irrelevant, or 50/50 (i.e., neither essential nor irrelevant).


Armed with a clear understanding of your estate planning concerns and priorities, now it's time to organize the three fundamental aspects of your estate plan. These three aspects are the People, Property and Plans that make you and your estate plan unique.


Now, educate us. With a click of your mouse the information you provided in Step Three will be submitted to us securely and confidentially through our online assessment portal. We will study the information you provide against the backdrop of your priorities. As a result, we will become educated regarding the most important part of the estate planning process – you.


After receiving your responses (at least one week prior to our meeting) and studying every answer you submit, we then chart our understanding of your estate planning priorities on the Estate Planning Services worksheet. During our meeting, we will review this worksheet as we collaborate to clarify your specific concerns and priorities. In addition, we will explore any issues we might have missed or that need further clarification.


Using the Estate Planning Services worksheet, we help you select your own Results-Based Estate Plan and planning fees. Should you choose to engage our firm to create and implement the plan you selected, we will sign a standard Engagement Agreement. Upon signing this Agreement, we collect one-half of the agreed-upon planning fees and schedule a mutually convenient Implementation Appointment.


Our firm will prepare the legal instruments to implement your Results-Based Estate Plan for your signature during the Implementation Appointment. Upon handing you the executed legal instruments, we will collect the balance of the planning fees.

Creation & Implementation

Estate planning is not a one-time event, but rather a Lifetime Process. We will stay in touch with you on a regular basis, through monthly e-mail newsletters, our blog and we even encourage you to interact with us on social media. Periodically, we may host educational workshops or luncheons to help keep you informed of any changes in the law that might impact your planning. We will invite you to review your plan with us at least every two years, and especially in the event of any life-changing occurrences such as:

  • Death or incapacity of a spouse, executor, trustee or guardian,
  • Marriage, remarriage, divorce or retirement,
  • Serious illness of a family member,
  • Birth or adoption of a child or grandchild,
  • Family members with special needs,
  • Acquisition of substantial life insurance, or
  • Move to another state or acquisition of property in another state.
Ongoing Modification & Review

Results Based Estate Planning

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